SIVB Stock Forecast: an Expanding Niche Bank in the Banking Industry

motek 1This SIVB stock forecast article was written by Yutong Li – Analyst at I Know First, Master's candidate at Brandeis University.


  • SIVB stock has grown by 51.32% since January 2021
  • Based on the company’s robust balance sheet in 2021Q2, SVB's average assets have reached $151 billion and average client funds have reached $308 billion
  • SVB Financial Group has competitive financial advantages with an ROE of 19.76% and a net margin of 35.81%, outperforming 93% and 84% of companies in the industry
  • The company is well-positioned for massive growth as a premier lender for startups and innovation companies, and the target price for SIVB will hit $620 for the upcoming year
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