Yahoo Stock Forecast: An Algorithmic Analysis (YHOO)

I Know First published a bullish article on Yahoo, a technology company offering search and content on mobile and desktop devices, on Seeking Alpha. Having explained how I Know First’s algorithm works, it is worthwhile to see if the algorithm agrees with the bullish fundamental analysis of the company. The three-month and one-year forecasts for Yahoo are included. yahoo stock forecast

Yahoo Stock Analysis- Yahoo Is Still Undervalued: What To Expect For The Upcoming Earnings Report


  • Yahoo! is set to release its earnings report on April stock forecast
  • The investment in mobile and other growth businesses has started paying off, and it will have its best performance yet in the current quarter.
  • The continued emphasis on returning value to shareholders will increase investor confidence and send the stock price higher.
  • I Know First’s algorithm is bullish on Yahoo! for the 3-month and 1-year time horizons.
Algorithmic Analysis
The forecast is in agreement with the fundamental analysis of how undervalued Yahoo is at this point in time. The signals are exceptionally strong and are among the top picks for both time horizons, meaning the algorithm believes that the stock price will move much higher in the future. This makes sense, as it is currently vastly undervalued due when taking into account the value of its Alibaba holdings, and as the stock price should increase as the company continues to return value to shareholders in share repurchases.

Read The Full Article

Yahoo Stock Forecast: Will Mayer’s New Mobile-Centric Plan Pay Off


  • Yahoo stock has more than tripled due to the company’syahoo stock forecast investment in Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba.
  • Yahoo has acquired new startups to enter new growth markets in online advertising.
  • Yahoo is trying to find a tax-free way to return remaining investment in Alibaba to shareholders.
  • I Know First algorithm correctly predicted stock price increase in June 30th article and forecasts a future bullish signal for Yahoo stock.
On July 16th, 2012, Marissa Mayer was named CEO of Yahoo. The 20th employee at Google, she had risen up the ranks all the way from programmer to Vice President of location services, the company's next key growth driver. At an informal dinner with Yahoo's board, Mayer shocked everyone with a detailed plan for the company going forward, causing one member of the board to claim, "That's the next CEO of Yahoo," after she left. Mayer has listed four new fields as Yahoo's growth businesses to help offset declining display ads, stating, "Video, along with mobile, social, and native, represents a new format of online advertising that has the potential to help us transform and modernize Yahoo's display business and return it to growth". Since becoming CEO of Yahoo, Mayer has acted quickly to transition the company, immediately acquiring assets to do so and using them to acquire startups that can make her vision a reality.

Read the full article on Seeking Alpha

Yahoo Stock Forecast: Yahoo Uses Asia to Become Competitive

Yahoo uses Asia to Become Competitive

Date: November 16, 2014 Yahoo (Nasdaq:YHOO) stock has shown bullish behavior for Yahoo imagethe past few months now, dating back to the end of June. In fact, Yahoo stock has gained 51% since I Know First suggested it as a stock that was undervalued. Yahoo is a global Internet services company that offers varied products and content, ranging from email and search to media streaming and downloads. Yahoo’s main revenue source is advertising and marketing services, but they recently acquired a great deal of cash on hand thanks to Asia.

 Click here for the full story

Yahoo Stock Forecast: In accordance with our forecast, Yahoo is up by 20% since our forecast

Yahoo stock forecast: Up by 20% since the forecast.

Yahoo surges on results, read the full forecast that was published 3 months ago HERE.

yahoo stock forecast

yahoo stock forecast