Stock Market Forecast For 2016 Based On A Predictive Algorithm
Omri Elani is a Junior Business Developer & Research Analyst for I Know First. Also a frequent contributor for the investment research website Seeking Alpha.
2015 was a year of mixed outcomes in the finance field. The year started with the Greek debt crisis, which had many world leaders scrambling for ideas on how to resolve the issue. Towards the summer of 2015, the Chinese economy came into play, producing phenomenal growth results however raised skepticism with many, as speculation grew about China's ability to maintain such stunning growth. Commodity prices have also been hit hard in 2015, with the rapid decline in oil prices
2015 was a year of mixed outcomes in the finance field. The year started with the Greek debt crisis, which had many world leaders scrambling for ideas on how to resolve the issue. Towards the summer of 2015, the Chinese economy came into play, producing phenomenal growth results however raised skepticism with many, as speculation grew about China's ability to maintain such stunning growth. Commodity prices have also been hit hard in 2015, with the rapid decline in oil prices