Stocks to Short: S&P 500 Stocks Forecast Performance Evaluation Report for Short Positions
In this stock market forecast evaluation report, we will examine the performance of the forecasts generated by the I Know First AI Algorithm for short positions for S&P 500 stocks which were daily sent to our customers. Our analysis covers the time period from January 1st, 2020, to March 25th, 2020. The report also demonstrates the performance since Coronavirus started affecting global economy (February 22nd). Below, we present our key takeaways of our stock market predictions.
S&P 500 Stocks to Short Evaluation Highlights:
- Stock market forecasts for short positions that were generated achieved positive returns and outperformed SPY (short position) on both periods analyzed.
- Signal filtering has a positive effect on returns for 3-,7- and 14 days time horizons.
- I Know First algorithm performed impressive accuracy achieving hit ratios higher than 60% on every time horizon and reaching up to 98% on 14 days’ time frame over coronavirus times.