I Know First ETF Predictions Coverage

The I Know First algorithm tracks and provides forecasts for a broad range of ETFs, helping our clients construct effective portfolios based on their preferences and investment horizons ranging from 3 days to.

  • Tier 1: Daily AI-powered predictions for individual investors
  • Tier 2: AI-powered systematic strategies for institutional clients
  • Our forecasts for ETFs are determined by screening the database daily using our advanced algorithm to find the best investment opportunities for both long and short market directions. Currently, our AI algorithm covers 1255 ETFs.

    Stock Market Forecast Based on Artificial Intelligence for the Second Half of 2024

    We are offering a special one-time report with the best stock market opportunities for the second half of 2024. This includes top stock picks, ETFs, US Indices forecast, cryptocurrencies, and more!

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    Recommended Stocks Based on Artificial Intelligence – the First Half of 2021

    Royalty-free artificial intelligence photos free download | Pxfuel
    (Source: Pxfuel.com)

    Every six months we issue a one-time forecast for half a year. The report includes our recommendations for a broad range of financial assets for a period of 6 months ahead: Recommended Stocks for US market; European market; ETFs; Commodities market; Currency and Cryptocurrency markets.

    At the end of the previous year (2020) the artificial intelligence algorithm located the most recommended stocks for the first half of 2021 in the capital market. The properties were marked by the prediction algorithm according to the signal and predictability. Signal – represents the

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    I Know First ETF Predictions Coverage Update for 2021

    I Know First generates daily predictions for over 10,000 assets and 559 Equity ETF predictions and continues to expand the coverage.

    etf predictions

    The Importance of Investing in ETFs

    The ETF industry had a great year in 2020 as it has benefitted from the rising popularity of low-cost, diversified index fund management. The global inflows for the year surpassed $750 billion, a new record, and global assets under management grew by over 30%. According to ETF.com, a minimum of a 110% return was required to be among the top 10 best-performing ETFs of 2020, while a 94% gain was the threshold to enter the top 20.

    The popularity of ETFs is expected

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    Algorithmic ETF Strategy Based on Daily AI Forecasts

    In the following, we analyze the performance of our ETF Package by evaluating algorithmic ETF strategies which invest on a daily basis in the ETFs selected by our AI system and can easily be recreated by using the daily forecasts provided to clients.

    We show that the I Know First algorithm’s signals including the costs of bid-ask spreads and commissions result in high-performing trading strategies with:

    • Returns of up to 58% in a 2-year time period
    • Alphas over 20%
    • Betas below 0.3
    • Sharpe ratios reaching 1.25

    ETF Strategy