Winning ANET Stock Forecast: Arista Networks Gained 48.54% In 3 Month After Strong Bullish Forecast.

Arista Records: converted to SVG by Bryantriplex [Public domain]

Over the period from the10th of January to the 10th of April Arista Networks (ANET) stock rose by 48.54% following a strong buy rating provided by the I Know First stock picking algorithm. Arista Networks is one of the leading computer networking companies. The company develops and manufactures multi-layer network switches to provide software-driven cloud networking solutions for large data center storage. Arista Networks provided more than 20 million cloud networking ports worldwide.

Source: Finance.Yahoo

Arista has a rapid pace of development and over the past 5 years the company increased its revenue by more

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Winning Stock Forecast: NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) Stock Returns 35.35% In 3 Months

Nvidia [Public domain]

Last Year Problems

Nvidia shares had fallen significantly since September 2018. In August, Nvidia excluded the video card for mining from the company’s priorities, citing the negative dynamics of the cryptocurrency market and the decline in demand for graphics processors. Another reason of such decline was poor sales of graphics adapters based on the Turing and Volta architecture. They were too expensive for consumers, while game developers were not hurried to reveal the potential of new products.

winning stock forecast

(Source: Finance.Yahoo)

3DMark Port Royal

Despite the poor sales of new GPUs and video cards for mining, the company continues to release new products

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