Algotrader Based on Self-Learning Algorithm: Returns up to 196.30% in 7 Days
This Transportation Stocks forecast is designed for investors and analysts who need predictions for the best stocks to invest in the transport sectors based on an algotrader (see Transportation Stocks Package). It includes 20 stocks with bullish and bearish signals:
- Top 10 Transportation stocks for the long position
- Top 10 Transportation stocks for the short position
Package Name: Transportation Stocks
Recommended Positions: Long
Forecast Length: 7 Days (11/06/2016 – 11/13/2016)
I Know First Average: 23.80%
The algorithm correctly predicted 8 out 10 of the suggested trades in the Transportation Stocks Package for this 7 Days forecast. DRYS was the highest-earning trade with a return of 196.30% in 7 Days. LUV and AAL followed with returns of 8.57% and 8.03% for the 7 Days period. The package had an overall average return of 23.80%, providing investors with a 20.00% premium over the S&P 500’s return of 3.80% during the period.
DryShips Inc. (DRYS) was founded in 2004 and has a contract offshore drilling business that operates drybulk carriers. The Company transports commodities including iron ore, coal, and grain, and minor bulks such as bauxite, phosphate and steel products.
Algorithmic traders utilize these daily forecasts by the I Know First market prediction system as a tool to enhance portfolio performance, verify their own analysis and act on market opportunities faster. This forecast was sent to current I Know First subscribers.
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