Aggressive Stocks Based on Predictive Analytics : Returns up to 210.71% in 1 Year
Aggressive Stocks
This forecast is part of the Risk-Conscious Package, as one of I Know First’s equity research solutions. We determine our aggressive stock picks by screening our algorithm daily for higher volatility stocks that present greater opportunities but are also riskier. The full Risk-Conscious Package includes a daily forecast for a total of 40 stocks divided into four main categories:
- Top 10 Aggressive stocks for the long position
- Top 10 Aggressive stocks for the short position
- Top 10 Conservative stocks for the long position
- Top 10 Conservative stocks for the short position
Package Name: Risk-Conscious – Aggressive Stocks Forecast
Recommended Positions: Long
Forecast Length: 1 Year (06/06/2017 – 06/06/2018)
I Know First Average: 55.05%
Several predictions in this long-term 1 Year forecast saw significant returns. The algorithm had correctly predicted 9 out 10 stock movements. IMMU was the top performing prediction with a return of 210.71%. IMGN and NVDA saw outstanding returns of 125.54% and 79.64%. With these notable trade returns, the package itself registered an average return of 55.05% compared to the S&P 500’s return of 31.14% for the same period.
Immunomedics, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, focuses on the development of monoclonal antibody-based products for the targeted treatment of cancer, autoimmune disorders, and other diseases
Algorithmic traders utilize these daily forecasts by the I Know First market prediction system as a tool to enhance portfolio performance, verify their own analysis and act on market opportunities faster. This forecast was sent to current I Know First subscribers.
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